
Can't keep up with styling your own hair?


Let’s be honest about something: doing your own hair is HARD. If you’ve ever tried to blow dry your own hair, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Your arms are up in the air for a long time and get sore after a while. There are some spots on your head, like near the back and top of the crown, that are hard to reach and awkward to angle the blow dryer. You can never get it as smooth as you want. I would say most of us can agree that we don’t actually enjoy blow dying our own hair, and we most likely aren’t that great at it either.  And that’s exactly why you should consider getting a membership.


Imagine this: You arrive at Glambar for your appointment and can enjoy some coffee or champagne until your appointment begins. Your favorite hair stylist greets you with a warm smile and is excited to see you and catch up. Once you get to the shampoo station, you can sit back and relax as the warm water goes through your hair. After a stressful week, that scalp massage feels amazing and releases the tension in your shoulders. The shampoo and conditioner rejuvenates your hair and has a refreshing fragrance. At the stylist’s station, you can sit down and enjoy some pampering. In small sections, your hair is effortlessly blown out and becomes silky smooth. This week you’re feeling like the Girl Next Door, so you decide on the light beach waves. After 45 minutes, your hair is flawless and ready to go for the rest of the week. 


This routine can be made possible with a membership. You can choose to come in twice a month, 4 times a month, or to get 48 blow outs yearly. Memberships come with special perks, too! Depending on your membership level, you can get one complimentary deep conditioning treatment or scalp massage each month. We want to celebrate your birthday with you, so you can come in for a free blow out on us for your special day. You also get 10% off of our retail products, and additional blow outs are only $35. Best of all, you can stop worrying about your hair and let us take care of it for you.

Are you weighing whether or not a membership is the right fit for you? Come visit us or call (954) 688-9837 and we can walk you through the different options. We can’t wait to see you soon!